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- 通往学校的安全路线
安全上学路线(SRTS)计划 are a movement that aims to enable students to get regular physical activity by making it safer and easier to walk and bike to school. The AAPS Safe Routes to School Program works closely with every school in the district to evaluate avenues to encour年龄 more biking and walking to and from school. A critical partner in this program is the City of Ann Arbor Traffic Engineers and the Ann Arbor Police Department. Representatives from the city work with AAPS to evaluate and help make improvements to create safer paths to and from school. Improvements made to date include incorporating bump outs along city streets close to schools to slow traffic, pedestrian crossing signs including RRFB (flasher activated signs), 人行横道标志和学校区域标志.
AAPS has a goal to institute a SRTS program at each school. 家长s, staff, students are all welcome to be a part of the school SRTS team. The teams begin by initiating a student (grades 3-12) survey and parent survey to learn their commuting habits and the obstacles they have that don't allow them to walk or bike to school. Site visits are done with the city team and a plan is developed. Usually the school holds a kick off Walk and Bike to School Day in the fall and/or spring. There are also opportunities to apply for state SRTS mini-grants to help fund the school program. 地区撰写并管理奖助金申请. The grants are issued by the State of Michigan through the Michigan Fitness office.
If you are interested in learning more about the SRTS program at your school please contact your Principal or Liz Margolis, 执行官Director-Student & 学校安全- margolisl@aaps.k12.mi.请拨打734-994-2014
The Six “E’s” - Key Elements for a Safe Routes To School (SRTS) Plan
These key elements should be considered when developing a school’s SRTS plan.
设计, 实现, operation and maintenance of traffic control devices or physical areas on and around the school site. City engineering generally conducts assessment for roads and sidewalks leading to school property. The district may hire, if needed, an engineer for school property assessments.
- 人行道上
- 十字路口
- Relationship with cars/traffic at street crossings including need for crossing guards, crossing devices and proximity of parking/no parking areas
- Obstacles along walk routes (trees, poor sidewalk conditions, sidewalk gaps)
- 标志
These strategies can help encour年龄 students and parents to have fun with the designated walk and bike routes.
- 加入步行和自行车俱乐部.
- Designate certain days as Walk or Bike to School Days and drop off bus students along the walk path.
- Incorporate walk to school routes into the PE curriculum.
- Incorporate multiple strategies to encour年龄 behavior changes.
- 在公共区域张贴步行/自行车地图
- Develop an incentive plan to encour年龄 walkers/bikers
- 在关键的十字路口启动安全巡逻计划.
- Incorporate remote busing and develop plan to encour年龄 use possibly with incentives.
- Celebrate parents who follow drop off and pick up plans.
- 张贴按照指定计划运行的“明星车”.
- Include safe walking/biking/driving tips in each week’s school mess年龄.
- Incorporate the district’s education plan and tailor it to the school specific plan.
- Incorporate Safe Kids of Huron Valley education segments into the classrooms.
- 教育学校社区, 包括邻居, of the school’s SRTS plan and actions that will be taken.
- 邀请邻居了解你的计划. 为邻里举办一次社区会议.
- Make sure the education plan meets the langu年龄 needs of your school’s community.
- Make student safety a priority with each school communication.
- Identify the underlying problems and ways to address these in the plan then assess the strategies used to address the problem.
- Set reasonable expectations – many of the changes will be behavior-based. 改变行为需要时间.
- Survey parents and staff during the development st年龄 and after 实现. 比较调查结果并调整计划.
- Report on plan and progress to staff and families.
- 执行 can complement and encour年龄 drivers to obey laws to allow students to safely use sidewalks and cross walks to get to and from school.
- 执行 is used when repeated safety education is not making the desired impact on school safety. These are considerations when an enforcement request is made: cars parking in No Parking areas relevant to school traffic, 在人行横道上停车, 超过学校公布的速度限制, 在学校附近开车不安全.
- AAPS works with local law enforcement to identify when enforcement is needed. Individual schools may also report the need for enforcement either directly or through the Executive Director of Student and 学校安全.
- It is always recommended to encour年龄 and educate drivers prior to enforcement activities and share with parents that enforcement may be a requested step to ensure student safety.
- Ensuring that Safe Routes to School initiatives are benefiting all demographic groups, 特别注意确保安全, 健康的, 为低收入家庭的学生提供公平的结果, 有色人种学生, 所有性别学生, 残疾学生和其他学生.