- Ann Arbor Public Schools
- aap School Crossing Guards
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- aap School Crossing Guards
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aap & City of Ann Arbor Crossing Guard Program
The Ann Arbor Public Schools and City of Ann Arbor Police Department share the duties and costs of school crossing guards. Crossing Guards are employees of the City of Ann Arbor who hire and place the guards at their locations working closely with aap.
Crossing guards are stationed at busy intersections at select elementary and middle schools to help students safely cross busy streets as they walk or ride their bikes to school.
The program is valuable because it helps get kids to school safely in certain areas where it may be hard for them to cross due to traffic congestion. Crossing Guards provide an adult at key traffic crossings for our elementary and middle school students plus they become part of the school community! We highly value their commitment to aap students.
We currently have a few locations open for Crossing Guards and we also need to increase the number of substitute crossing guards. If you are intersted please apply at the link below and remember that if you need more hours mid-day aap offers lunch room supervisors whose hours work great with the crossing guard schedule.
School Crossing Guard Job Posting
Current Crossing Guard Locations in the Ann Arbor Public Schools:
Pauline @ Redeemer - Eberwhite EL
Oxford @ Hill - Angell EL
Geddes @ Oswego - Angell EL
巴顿博士. @ a2蒸汽- a2蒸汽
Pontiac Tr @ Taylor - A2蒸汽
Taylor @ Peach - A2蒸汽
Packard @ Granger - Burns Park EL
Glacier Way @ Tremont - King EL
@ King School - King EL
Miller @ Seventh - AA Open
Seventh @ Delaware - Lawton
Libery @ Crest - Slauson MS &
Miller @ Newport - AA Open
W. Liberty @ Murray - Bach EL
Champagne @ Santa Rosa - Bryant EL
Traver @ Nixon - Clague MS & 洛根厄尔